L’Axone: The new concert hall which hosts all the major cultural and sports events in the area. www.axone-montbeliard.fr
The Pays de Montbéliard Tourist Information Center : discover the treasures, heritage and places to visit around the town of Montbéliard.
Further information on : www.ot-pays-de-montbeliard.fr
Tourism, culture iand activities in the Doubs
Visit the Doubs Website : www.doubs.travel
All the tourist information necessary to organize your holiday in Franche-Comté.
Visit the Franche-Comté website : www.franche-comte.org
L’Axone: The new concert hall which hosts all the major cultural and sports events in the area. www.axone-montbeliard.fr
The Bonal stadium, preserve of the F.C. Sochaux-Montbéliard, league one football club. www.fcsochaux.fr
Plus qu'un musée, une aventure... Un espace ludique pour découvrir et vivre l' épopée automobile Peugeot. Toutes les informations sur : www.musee-peugeot.com
The Montbéliard Christmas market, famous for its scenery and its festive and magical atmosphere. www.montbeliard.fr
Église remarquable d'Audincourt
Motor-cycle racing circuit in Villars-sous-Ecot where important races such as the French championship Supermotard take place. www.mcvillars.com
The Eurockéennes, one of the biggest French rock festivals in July. www.eurockeennes.fr
The festival Rencontres et Racine in June in Audincourt is an open door on world music. www.rencontres-et-racines.audincourt.com
The Fimu (Festival International University Music Festival) gathers in June in Belfort dozens of very different bands from rock to classical music. A must see. www.fimu.com
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